Plot Summary
Alexa, the timid young princess who prefers reading over performing her demanding royal duties, unexpectedly, discovers a hidden secret door in the heart of the palace's colourful garden. Much like the fascinating adventures in her books, Alexa now becomes the mysterious realm's protector with her magical powers, as the mean-spirited girl, Malucia, attempts to steal the land's magic. With the help of Romy, the mermaid, and Nori, the fairy, Alexa will have to summon up the courage to fight Malucia and restore peace in the beautiful fantasy realm. Will Alexa reach her full potential?—Nick Riganas
Top Cast
Teryl Rothery as -Queen of Zinnia
Ashleigh Ball as -Nori
Ali Liebert as -Youngling Fairy
Britt Irvin as -Jenna