Plot Summary
The Dark Knight is back doing what he does best - protecting the citizens of Gotham City - in the third installment of the Batman Unlimited series, Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants. When evil scientist Mr. Freeze activates his latest invention on two of Gotham City's most formidable criminals - Killer Croc and Bane - things go from bad to worse. Turning them into super-sized mutant monsters, the Super-Villains start bashing through the streets of Gotham City with no end in sight. It's up to the Caped Crusader and his Super Hero team to save the day by putting the giant robot mechs in their place - but it will be an uphill battle as they face off against enormous foes.
Top Cast
Chris Diamantopoulos as -Green Arrow / Oliver Queen / Cobblepot Guard
Oded Fehr as -Mr. Freeze
Troy Baker as -The Joker / Two-Face / Mad Hatter
John DiMaggio as -Killer Croc / General Sam Lane