Plot Summary
In 1942, Friedrich Weimer's boxing skills get him an appointment to a National Political Academy (NaPolA) - high schools that produce Nazi elite. Over his father's objections, Friedrich enrolls, seeing this as his ticket out of factory life to university and a good salary. During his year in seventh column (fifth form), this innocence is altered as Friedrich encounters hazing, cruelty, death, and the Nazi code. His friendship with Albrecht, the ascetic son of the area's governor, is central to this education; a night in the forest hunting for escaped Russian POWs brings things to a head.—
Top Cast
Tom Schilling as -Albrecht Stein
Max Riemelt as -Friedrich Weimer
Devid Striesow as -Vogler
Justus von Dohnányi as -Gauleiter Heinrich Stein