Plot Summary
Scott Thorson, a young bisexual man raised in foster homes, is introduced to flamboyant entertainment giant Liberace and quickly finds himself in a romantic relationship with the legendary pianist. Swaddled in wealth and excess, Scott and Liberace have a long affair, one that Scott eventually begins to find suffocating. Kept away from the outside world by his flashily effeminate yet deeply closeted partner, and submitting to extreme makeovers and even plastic surgery at the behest of his lover, Scott eventually rebels. When Liberace finds himself a new lover, Scott is tossed onto the street. He then seeks legal redress for what he feels he has lost. But throughout, the bond between the young man and the star never completely tears.—Jim Beaver
Top Cast
Matt Damon as -Scott Thorson
Boyd Holbrook as -Cary James
Debbie Reynolds as -Frances Liberace
Michael Douglas as -Liberace