Plot Summary
After the murder of his childhood friend, the slick Detroit detective, Axel Foley, heads to sunny Beverly Hills, on a one-man mission to ferret out the killer and bring him to justice. Before long, Axel and his unorthodox methods unearth the lucrative drug operation of the powerful local crime kingpin, Victor Maitland; however, Foley, too, will find himself in deep trouble, as Lieutenant Andrew Bogomil wants him out of town. Now, Axel will have to team up with Detectives, John Taggart, and Billy Rosewood, to shed light on the thick conspiracy, and finish what he has started. Will Foley's total disregard for proper procedure bear fruit?—Nick Riganas
Top Cast
Eddie Murphy as -Axel Foley
Jonathan Banks as -Zack
Bronson Pinchot as -Serge
Judge Reinhold as -Det. Billy Rosewood