Plot Summary
The world of our distant future is a veritable utopia, thanks to the lyrics of two simple-minded 20th-century rock-and-rollers, Bill S. Preston, Esq., and Ted "Theodore" Logan. However, a would-be conqueror threatens to throw history off-track by sending "most non-non-heinous" evil robot Bill and Teds back to kill their good counterparts. Finding themselves dead, the boys must outwit the Grim Reaper and traverse Heaven and Hell to return to the land of the living, rescue their "babes," and have a "most triumphant" concert at the all-important Battle of the Bands.—David Thiel
Top Cast
Keanu Reeves as -Ted
William Shatner as -Captain James Tiberius Kirk
Pam Grier as -Ms. Wardroe
William Sadler as -Grim Reaper