Plot Summary
An outcast girl named Carietta "Carrie" White, is constantly bullied everyday by the "in crowd", lead by ruthless bully Chris Hargensen. At home, she is verbally and physically abused by her fanatically religious mother, Margaret White. In school when she has her period, she is bullied by Chris and her peers until it's stopped by Ms. Desjardin. That same day, Carrie discovers her gift. One of the girls, Sue Snell, is remorseful of the incident. Sue asks her boyfriend Tommy Ross to be Carrie's partner for the prom. But on the most meaningful night of her life, she is pushed too far and now the monster has been unleashed.—Giancarlos Calderon
Top Cast
Chloë Grace Moretz as -Carrie White
Julianne Moore as -Margaret White
Judy Greer as -Ms. Desjardin
Samantha Weinstein as -Heather