Plot Summary
Beautiful Cinderella, a young woman with a heart of gold, sees her world turn upside down when her beloved mother dies, and her pained father remarries another woman: the wicked widow Lady Tremaine, the insufferable mother of cruel and jealous Anastasia and Drizella. As a result, things go from bad to worse, and before long, Cinderella finds herself at the mercy of the Lady. Now, doomed to serve her forever, shabby and neglected Cinderella doesn't stand a chance of attending the King's royal ball. Of course, captivating the handsome Prince is out of the question. As the night advances, will Cinderella ever find her own Prince Charming?—Nick Riganas
Top Cast
Paul Frees as -King / Grand Duke
Walt Disney as -Singer
Marni Nixon as -Main Title Soloist
Eleanor Audley as -Lady Tremaine