Plot Summary
The despicable Ramon Cota has murdered an innocent father and child and is exporting illegal drugs into the USA. When Colonel Scott McCoy from the original film, and his sworn partner attempt to bring him to court, their efforts are all in vain, as he is let off virtually Scott free. Unable to contain his rage, Scott's buddy furiously lashes out at him in court, to Cota's anger. He exacts the same ritual on his wife and child as he did on the previous Father and kid. Out on a personal mission of vengeance, the buddy finds himself mercilessly killed at Cota's hands. When an arsenal of soldiers attempt to go in and bring Cota and his army down, they are taken hostage, surely to be executed soon. McCoy leads a brigade of skydiving commandos in, along with himself, to rescue the hostages and exact violent revenge upon Cota.—
Top Cast
Chuck Norris as -Col. Scott McCoy
Mark Margolis as -Gen. Olmedo
Dick Warlock as -DEA Agent in Van
Richard Jaeckel as -DEA Agent John Page