Plot Summary
Koji Kobayashi, a spotter for a Japanese fishing fleet crash lands his plane on a barren island. His best friend, Shoichi Tsukioka, manages to find him and lands his plane next to his so he can be rescued. The two pilots are shocked when they encounter two giant monsters fighting each other and race back to Japan to inform the authorities. One of the monsters is identified as a second Godzilla, while the other one is identified as a prehistoric monster named Anguirus. Without the weapon that killed the first Godzilla, countermeasures are developed in an attempt to divert the monsters away as they make landfall in Osaka. Japan can only brace for tragedy as they have to suffer through the horror of Godzilla once more.—Brian Washington
Top Cast
Paul Frees as -Voice
George Takei as -Commander of Landing Craft
Marvin Miller as -Narrator
Keye Luke as -Shoichi Tsukioka