Plot Summary
With only a week left before he graduates high school in the small Middle Western community of Grandview, the eighteen-year-old dreamer, Tim Pearson, is itching to renounce an uninspiring scholarship, stand up to his despotic father and pursue a career in oceanography, away from home. However, before long, an unexpected meeting with the struggling 27-year-old owner of the town's demolition derby track on the other side of the tracks, Michelle "Mike" Cody, and the Speedrome's king, Ernie "Slam" Webster, will bring Tim one step closer not only to his aspirations but also love. But, has anyone ever spread his wings away from Grandview, U.S.A.?—Nick Riganas
Top Cast
Jamie Lee Curtis as -Michelle 'Mike' Cody
Jennifer Jason Leigh as -Candy Webster
Joan Cusack as -Mary
John Cusack as -Johnny Maine