Plot Summary
Starring famous singer and actor Aaron Kwok as Mr Wang, Home Sweet Home is a thriller that follows the strange events happening in the house of his seemingly regular family. Events start happening after a school bus accident, which kills everyone on-board except bus driver Yu Kunqiao (Duan Yihong) and Mr Wang's son Wang Chuqi (Sean Rong).A seemingly sweet and rich family of four has hidden secrets.The handsome and stylish father, the noble and beautiful mother, the quiet and cold sister and the smart and well-behaved younger brother create a harmonious family of four. One day, the father took a strange visitor home, a driver who caused a car accident...A tragic school bus accident killed many schoolchildren. The driver desperately rescued a boy, but lost part of his memory and was forced into desperation. The father of the surviving boy took the driver to his basement in order to save his life and began a strange cohabitation life with them.However, this family is unexpectedly secretive, with the father as the head, everyone has their own concerns, and the relationship seems far and near is confusing. Everyone behaved suspiciously, and some supernatural strange things happened one after another in the home, as if they were cursed. Some people yell out of control, some self-mutilate and seek escape, and some fear to escape. The abnormality of the crowd seems to be related to the car accident, and the father, who has been watching coldly, seems to have premeditated and left everyone in the family at a loss...Why did the father take the driver home, and what is the truth of this family?
Top Cast
Wei-Ning Hsu as -Ms. Wang