Plot Summary
Dreaming of unearthing the mythical treasure of the Spanish ship, San Cristobal, the financially pressed deep-sea diver, Sebastian, and his supportive girlfriend, Dani, run a snorkelling business in picturesque Honolulu to eke out a living. When the couple is hired by the secretive businessman, Carlton, and his beautiful companion, Azra, to search for the same undersea prize, things will take an unexpected turn for the better, as immense riches await the team. However, are Carlton and Azra who they claim to be? Are they truly interested in making a lucrative discovery or do they have an ulterior motive?—Nick Riganas
Top Cast
Audrina Patridge as -Kelsey
Marsha Thomason as -Azra
Laura Vandervoort as -Dani
David Anders as -Carlton