Plot Summary
Romanian born Danielle (Giulia Nahmany) is living the dream in NYC working at Beguile magazine under urban-diva fashion editor Vivien (Jane Seymour). But when a coworker (Alexandra Weaver) steals her idea and her boyfriend (David Lipper), Danielle can't help but speak her mind to Vivian and loses her job. Now on the fashion blacklist with no place to go, Danielle heads home to Romania and back to the farm in Transylvania. After the initial culture shock subsides, Danielle begins to find solace with her family and friends. She runs into a charming Brit named Adrian (David Oakes), in town on a business trip, and sparks fly as he helps her discover a passion she left behind; designing her own clothing line. Now with the help of a magazine pal, can Danielle and her Romanian theme clothing line make it at New York Fashion Week?—production company
Top Cast
Jane Seymour as -Vivien
Olivia Hallinan as -Claire
Anthony Hickox as -Helmut
David Oakes as -Adrian