Plot Summary
Haley, the daughter of successful, powerful entrepreneur Leona Lloyd, is deeply engaged in her charity work. At a Christmas party arranged by her mother's company, Haley meets Claud, who is there on behalf of the marketing company where he's a designer. They want to convince Leona to let them pitch a campaign idea. Haley and Claud immediately make a connection and start dating. But Haley does not tell Claud who her mother is, afraid that this could ruin things between them with Claud's company's bid to Leona. The situation grows more complicated over time, and sooner or later the truth will be uncovered. How will Claud react when he learns that Haley has been deceptive?—Devnull
Top Cast
Susie Abromeit as -Haley Lloyd
Jacinta Mulcahy as -Leona Lloyd
Torrance Coombs as -Claude Miller