Plot Summary
Desirous of starting a family, young Catholic homemaker Rosemary Woodhouse and her struggling actor husband Guy move into The Bramford: New York City's iconic building brimming with unpleasant stories of obscure dwellers and ghastly occurrences. And before long, the eccentric next-door neighbours Roman and Minnie Castevet befriend the young couple; shortly afterwards, Rosemary gets pregnant. However, as the inexperienced mother becomes systematically cut off from her circle of friends, alarming hints of a sinister, well-planned conspiracy start to emerge, enfolding timid Rosemary in a shroud of suspicion and mental agony. But why is everyone so conveniently eager to help? Above all, why is Guy allowing it?—Nick Riganas
Top Cast
Ruth Gordon as -Minnie Castevet
Sharon Tate as -Party Guest
Tony Curtis as -Donald Baumgart
Mia Farrow as -Rosemary Woodhouse