Plot Summary
Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, and the Mystery Inc. crew travel to Scotland on vacation and find themselves unexpectedly tackling their biggest monstrosity ever: the Loch Ness Monster! Does it really exist? Early evidence suggests a scary "yes" when something gigantic appears outside the window of Daphne's ancestral family castle. Will Scooby-Doo and crew solve one of history's longest-running mysteries? Keep your paws crossed as this Highland Fling treats you to hilarious Scooby-Doo shenanigans, nail-biting chases and monstrous thrills!—Anonymous
Top Cast
Grey Griffin as -Daphne Blake / Shannon Blake
John DiMaggio as -Colin Haggart / Volunteer #1
Frank Welker as -Scooby-Doo / Fred / Lachlan Haggart
Phil LaMarr as -Angus Haggart / Volunteer #2