Plot Summary
Two decades after the Battle of Klendathu in Starship Troopers (1997), battle-scarred Johnny Rico finds himself reassigned to Mars at the Nemesis Orbital Base. Now, after the events in Starship Troopers: Invasion (2012), Rico trains the Lost Patrol: a hopeless unit of adventurous cadets. However, when an underground colony of hostile Arachnids emerges from the bowels of the arid Red Planet, Rico gets back in the bug-killing game to keep the invaders at bay. But it seems someone from the higher-ups already knew about the alien insects' widespread subterranean infestation. Is there a traitor in the Federation? Will Rico and his Mobile Infantry rookies live to tell the tale of their heroic last stand?—Nick Riganas
Top Cast
Dina Meyer as -Dizzy Flores
Casper Van Dien as -Johnny Rico
Stephen Kramer Glickman as -Himself
DeRay Davis as -One-Oh-One