Plot Summary
In New York, experienced art thief Keith Ripley invites Gabriel Martin, the bold thief from Miami, to team up with him. He plans the heist of two valuable mysterious antique Faberge eggs, located in a safe, of the well-protected Russian Romanov jewelry. Each egg is worth $20 million on the black market, and Ripley needs his cut to free himself from his debt to a powerful mobster known as Nicky. The reluctant Gabriel agrees to participate after having a one-night stand with Ripley's goddaughter Alexandra Karolin. Meanwhile, the persistent Lieutenant Weber, who has unsuccessfully tried to put Ripley in jail for 20 years, figures out how to anticipate the criminal's movements in order to catch him.—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Top Cast
Tom Hardy as -Michaels
Morgan Freeman as -Ripley
Antonio Banderas as -Gabriel
Radha Mitchell as -Alex