Plot Summary
In a little seaside town, thirteen year-old Rynn Jacobs is celebrating her birthday alone on a Halloween night. She and her father had arrived from England recently and leased the house for three years from Mrs. Cora Hallet. Out of the blue, Mrs. Hallet's pervert son Frank Hallet visits Rynn and sexually harasses her. Then his mother visits the house and asks for Rynn's father. The girl tells her that he traveled to New York. Mrs. Hallet says she needs her jelly glasses that are stored in the cellar and Rynn asks the impolite woman to go. Later ,Mrs. Hallet returns and opens the cellar door despite Rynn. However, the support of the cellar door hits her head and she dies. Rynn tries to get rid of Mrs. Hallet's car to hide the evidence but she has trouble starting the car so aspiring magician, Mario Podesta, helps her. Rynn immediately trusts Mario and discloses her secret to him. What is Rynn's secret?—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Top Cast
Jodie Foster as -Rynn
Martin Sheen as -Frank Hallet
Alexis Smith as -Mrs. Hallet
Scott Jacoby as -Mario