Plot Summary
In 1977 Los Angeles, single father and licensed PI Holland March (Gosling) is hired to investigate the apparent suicide of famous porn star Misty Mountains. As the trail leads him to track down a girl named Amelia (Qualley), he encounters less-licensed and less-hands-off private eye Jackson Healey (Russell Crowe) and his brass knuckles, both hired by the young hippie. However, the situation takes a turn for the worse when Amelia vanishes and it becomes apparent that March wasn't the only interested party. As both men are forced to team up, they need to take on a world filled with eccentric goons, strippers dressed as mermaids, and even a possible government conspiracy.—@onecriticalgeek
Top Cast
Ryan Gosling as -Holland March
Russell Crowe as -Jackson Healy
Robert Downey Jr. as -Sid Shattuck
Matt Bomer as -John Boy