Plot Summary
After eradicating Night Rider's followers in Mad Max (1979), former patrolman Max Rockatansky now scavenges for food and precious petrol on the deserted highways of an energy-starved Australia. Then, Max stumbles upon a small oil refinery in the scorched wilderness; however, there's a catch: the community of survivors is under siege by brutal biker warlord Lord Humungus and his barbarian marauders. Now, to get his hands on as much gas as he can carry, Mad Max will have to provide the defenceless residents with a powerful truck. Using this method, they can transport gasoline to safety. Of course, this is easier said than done. Is the Road Warrior up to the task?—Nick Riganas
Top Cast
Mel Gibson as -Max
Joanne Samuel as -Jessie
Virginia Hey as -Warrior Woman
Bruce Spence as -The Gyro Captain