Plot Summary
In ancient Gomorrah, thousands of years before the Pyramids, the remaining free nomadic tribes are forced to form an uneasy alliance to put an end to mighty King Memnon's reign of tyranny. One of the few survivors and the last of the Akkadians, the brave assassin, Mathayus, is entrusted with the impossible task of executing Memnon's fortune-telling sorceress, Cassandra, only to find himself up against a seemingly indestructible evil army. Now, with the help of his new powerful allies, including the great warrior, Balthazar, Mathayus returns to the legendary city to infiltrate Memnon's impenetrable fortress in the desert and exact his revenge. Is Mathayus destined to be the next Scorpion King?—Nick Riganas
Top Cast
Dwayne Johnson as -Mathayus
Peter Facinelli as -Takmet
Amy Hunter as -Warrior Woman
Kelly Hu as -The Sorceress