Plot Summary
Cody Jarrett is the sadistic leader of a ruthless gang of thieves. Afflicted by terrible headaches and fiercely devoted to his 'Ma,' Cody is a volatile, violent, and eccentric leader. Cody's top henchman wants to lead the gang and attempts to have an 'accident' happen to Cody, while he is running the gang from in jail. But Cody is saved by an undercover cop, who thereby befriends him and infiltrates the gang. Finally, the stage is set for Cody's ultimate betrayal and downfall, during a big heist at a chemical plant.—Tad Dibbern
Top Cast
Edmond O'Brien as -Hank Fallon aka Vic Pardo
Aline Towne as -Margaret Baxter
Steve Cochran as -Big Ed Somers
James Cagney as -Cody Jarrett